Walton Digitech
Mar 6, 2023 Published
2318 Time people Read This Article
Well, there is no doubt that the keyboard is the most significant component of your laptop. For operating all we use the keyboard.
When we use our favorite laptop every day, naturally there is various dust and dirt build up on the keyboard of laptop. There is no way to keep the keyboard safe from dust. When you are using your laptop, you can't fold until you finish your tasks.
So, there is only one solution available, which is you have to clean the dust regularly. If you don't clean it, it will gradually damage the sensors of the keyboards.
In this article, I am going to guide you through the proper laptop keyboard cleaning process. You just need to carefully follow this process.
Before going to clean the laptop's keyboard, you have to pick the right necessary equipment. This will help you to finish the cleaning process smoothly.
All these significant elements are safe and useful for cleaning the keyboard of your laptop.
Before cleaning the laptop, you have to turn it off. If the laptop is connected to electricity, then unplug the charger. Some people think that it's safe to clean the laptop when the laptop is powered on.
But this is dangerous if accidentally cleaning liquid goes inside the interior portion of the laptop. So, you must turn off and unplug the laptop from electricity. Besides that, you should back up all the necessary data from your laptop to a storage drive.
After turning off your laptop, it's time to clear the dust and dents from it. Choose a soft cleaning brush to remove the inner portion of dust from the keys. Online, you can find different types of multi-functional soft cleaning brushes specially made for laptops and computer keyboards. These types of brushes are very helpful for deep cleaning keyboards and headphones.
If you don't have a soft cleaning brush, there are also alternative ways. You have to use the compressed air duster. Using an air duster is a more effective and convenient way than using a soft cleaning brush.
Before using an air duster, you have to fill up the air properly in it. Spray the duster among each key of the keyboard. It will take out the dust from the inside.
Don't push too hard into the keyboard when you are using the air compressor. Because it can damage the internal sensor of the keys. So, you have to gently clean the keyboard.
It's time to wipe the dust properly from the keyboard. For that purpose, you have to use a good quality microfiber cloth to wipe the dust and grime from the keyboard. Microfiber cloth is the best choice for dust and bacteria from any type of surface.
Regular types of clothes are not appropriate for cleaning, because while cleaning the tiny parts of the clothes can cling to the keyboards. As a result, it will become very difficult to remove those particles.
So, pick a microfiber cloth and gently wipe out all the dust from the keyboard.
Most laptops don't need to remove dirt. Because they do not contain any type of extra dirt. But sometimes the keyboard contains deep dirt which does not properly go away by wiping the dust.
To clean out those deep dust you need good quality rubbing alcohol. There are different types of rubbing alcohol available in the market such as isopropyl, methyl, and ethyl alcohol. Generally, people use isopropyl rubbing alcohol for cleaning multiple things.
You can find rubbing alcohol in the hardware store. Also, some medicinal stores contain rubbing alcohol. So just pick a good quality rubbing alcohol from the market.
Rubbing alcohol is the best option rather than using water on your laptop keyboard. Because water can severely damage the motherboard of your laptop. But you also have to be careful during using rubbing alcohol on your laptop's keyboard.
First, take a clean cotton ball and apply some rubbing alcohol to it. Now locate the deep dirt in the keyboard. Gently clean the dirt with the wet cotton ball. After properly cleaning the keys, let the keyboard dry naturally. Through this easy process, you can easily remove the deep dirt from the keyboard of your laptop.
This is an additional way to clean your laptop keyboard. This process is a little bit more difficult than the previous ways. So, if you have enough knowledge about dismantling a laptop then you can follow this process. Otherwise, you might damage the keyboard permanently.
First, gently remove the keys from the keyboard. Before removing the keys, you should take a picture of the whole keyboard. Because you have to re-set up the keys after the cleaning process.
Now take a cotton swab and remove the dust underneath the keys. Don't push too hard, it might break down the inner censor of your laptop's keyboard.
You can also use the air compressor or microfiber cloth to wipe out the dust properly. But it can become very risky if you use rubbing alcohol on this part of the keyboard.
I hope that you have properly cleaned up the key's inner portion. Now look at your captured picture and place the keys appropriately. This cleaning method is helpful to wipe the interior dust of the laptop keyboard.
We hope that you have already got an extensive idea about cleaning your laptop's keyboard properly and safely. But just cleaning the keyboard is not the long-term solution. Now we will share with you some significant tips that will help you keep the keyboard of your laptop clean and safe.
Ans: If you don't have advanced technological knowledge, you should not remove the keys. Rather you can use an air dust compressor to clean the dust from your keyboard.
Ans: Yes, laptop keyboard cleaning is very important for the overall longevity and durability of your laptop. Because dust can permanently damage the keyboard sensor of the laptop.
Ans: No, you can use water for cleaning your laptop keyboard. Rather you can use rubbing alcohol to clean your laptop's keyboard.
For overall performance and long-term use, you must take care of your laptop keyboard. If you don't regularly clean the keyboard, the keys will become difficult to use. Also, the dust can permanently harm your laptop. In this article, I discussed some significant ways and tips that will help you to keep your laptop's keyboard clean and fully functional.
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